Jeff Morris

was born in Surrey, England. His mother was a Romany-Gypsy and his father a Jamaican in the Royal Air Force. When he was one-year-old, he was adopted by parents of Welsh-Caribbean origin.

Jeff studied photography at the now University of Westminster and later did an MSc in Policy Studies at the University of Bristol. He has an abiding interest in mass communications, cultural, political and social trends.

In 1993, he joined the BBC as European Projects Co-ordinator and went on to work in the BBC Bristol-Features Department; in 1997 became Project Manager for the BBC Windrush Season; and in 1999 worked as an Assistant Producer in the department producing the BBC’s Millennium Event.

People of African decent have experienced an almighty maelstrom of change and struggle arising from the effects of enforced migration, dispossession and mental colonialism - in time, together, we will overcome all this.