E.R. Braithwaite

was born in Guyana in 1920. After serving in the R.A.F. he returned to Cambridge to complete his studies and pursue a career in science. However, the British establishment disillusioned him as job applications were met with hostility toward his colour. Coupled with the racism he encountered in the services, he turned towards education.

To Sir With Love, his first book was published in 1959. It was subsequently made into a successful film starring Sidney Poitier which further expanded its already important contribution to awareness. Written from the experience of being a black teacher in London, it became incredibly popular and remains his best known book. His other work includes Paid Servant, A Kind of Homecoming, Choice of Straws and Honourary White.

E.R. Braithwaite has been Artist in Residence at Howard University, and has also worked as a human rights officer, social worker and educator with outstanding enthusiasm and dedication to related issues, making him a pioneer of the modern black experience.

Today there is an amplitude of bright, inventive, vigorous Black Britons who are acutely aware of every foreshadowing and can more than ably articulate their concerns. Thinking and working together they can project and present their case forcibly and pridefully with the consciousness of being both Black and British.